Memorial Day Service Schedule
The Memorial Day service is held at the Old Stephens City School* at the south end of town.
Saturday, May 25th at 8:00 AM
Welcome --------------------------------- Michael Diaz, Mayor
Posting of Colors ------------------------- Boy Scouts of America Troop 15
The Star-Spangled Banner -------------- United States Army Chorus
Invocation ------------------------------- Reverend Bertina Westley; Stephens City United Methodist Church
Eternal Father ----------------------------- United States Army Chorus
Wreath-Laying ---------------------------- Boy Scouts of America Troop 15
Three-Volley Rifle Salute ----------------- VFW Post 2123 Honor Guard
Taps --------------------------------------- VFW Post 2123 Honor Guard
Closing Remarks -------------------------- Michael Diaz, Mayor
* Located at the old Stephens City School - Map Link
Memorial Day Service Schedule
The Memorial Day service is held at the Old Stephens City School* at the south end of town.
Saturday, May 25th at 8:00 AM
- Prelude
- Welcome - Michael Diaz, Mayor
- Posting of Colors - Boy Scouts of America Troop 15
- The Star-Spangled Banner - United States Army Chorus
- Invocation - Reverend Bertina Westley; Stephens City United Methodist Church
- Special Guest Speaker - Andrew Chancey, Vet Center
- Eternal Father - United States Army Chorus
- Wreath-Laying - Boy Scouts of America Troop 15
- Three-Volley Rifle Salute - VFW Post 2123 Honor Guard
- Taps - VFW Post 2123 Honor Guard
- Closing Remarks - Michael Diaz, Mayor
- Postlude
* Located at the old Stephens City School - Map Link